Workshops – 2019
Topics will range from marketplace leadership, proven Evangelism and Outreach approaches, social justice concerns and current challenges, prayer workshops, and inspiring stories from cities around the world and in Canada. With over 25 options, you will find yourself challenged to pick only three breakouts from the menu.
Worship Track
Care Baldwin
Jason McNabb
Core Worship: Encouraging and equipping worship leaders for meaningful Kingdom ministry
Sharing about their experiences and current initiative, Care and Jason will call worship leaders to build ministry and build people. They are very interested in meeting other worship leaders to talk about encouraging and resourcing the worship community in Ottawa in the years ahead.
Prayer Track
Dr. Isaac Gimba
Prayer-Lab 1 Pray for Collaborative Mission in Our Cities (Friday)
During this conference God is stirring hunger in us to walk collaboratively in answer to Jesus’ prayer that we may be one. Devote this breakout to respond collectively to him, to thank him for the whole body of Christ in our cities. Ask him to build those relationships among us, so that our generation may know that the Father sent the Son. We will pray together as a group; facilitated with intentionality and sensitivity, expecting our prayers will make a difference.
Sarah Jackson
Prayer-Lab 2: Pray for Evangelism in Our Cities (Saturday)
During this conference God is stirring our hearts with inspiration to reach deep into our cities with the gospel. Devote this breakout opportunity to respond collectively to him, to thank him for the ripe harvest in our cities and ask him to send forth labourers. We will pray together as a group; facilitated with intentionality and sensitivity, expecting our prayers will make a difference.
Pray Ottawa: Raising the Level of Prayer in the City
How is Pray Ottawa part of Ottawa’s story, and how does that inform us going forward? There is a level of unified prayer among churches, and there is room for much more. Sarah Jackson, Pray Ottawa Lead, shares insights gleaned over five years as Love Ottawa’s “prayer missionary”. Includes Q&A discussion, and prayer for each other.
Prayer Leaders Round Table
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet the other prayer leaders in attendance, to listen and learn from one another about the prayer needs we face in our cities and God-given ideas for collaborative prayer. Let the morning plenary sessions also fuel our conversation around the table, as we process what we’ve heard from a prayer leaders’ perspective. Facilitated by Sarah Jackson, Pray Ottawa Lead.
Gary Schmitz
Building a Culture of Prayer in our Cities
Kansas City is known around the world for the prayer initiatives coming out of the city. The lesser known story is the one about the prayer movement within KC and the pastors’ prayer movements and city-wide mobilization of prayer for the region. Love KC is just one of the results of the ongoing commitment to intercession. Gary will be sharing the details and dynamics of building a culture of prayer in your city.
Marketplace Track
Mark Visvasam Nannan
The Chennai Story: How marketplace leaders are impacting the city through prayer and action.
Working in a Hindu environment in Chennai – a city of 12 million in south India, Mark will share about the engagement of marketplace leaders who lead prayer meetings in over 100 workplaces and work together to serve their city. The Chennai Transformation Network is over 20 years old and has been a model for many other cities and nations.
Derk Maat
Derk, with his wife Annita, who is his chief corporate intercessor for their companies, employees, clients and vendors, have been actively advancing and leading transformational change through Transformation Canada.
Creative Innovation
Partnering the church with the marketplace(business/government/education) to advance the Kingdom of Jesus discipling and transforming our nation of Canada.
Transformation Canada is a movement bringing the church/ministries and marketplace together to transform the nation by advancing the kingdom-implementing righteousness and justice based solutions in all areas of human interaction, systems and institutions that leads to peace which leads to joy.
Jennifer Parr
The Marketplace as an Untapped Ministry Field
Successful marketplace leaders are often tapped on the shoulder to contribute their time, talent and treasure to the church and to para-church Ministries – and they do! But the marketplace can also be viewed as an “extended church” which exists out in the world every day of the week. This workshop will be a facilitated, and open, Q&A session with four successful Marketplace leaders and/or business owners who see their workplace and their business relationships as an important ministry field. Whether you are a marketplace leader looking for ideas on how to view and use your workplace as a place of ministry or a pastor looking to learn how to inspire the workplace leaders in your congregation this workshop is for you.
Mark Peterkins
Funding your City-Reaching Efforts
This workshop will touch on the crucial issues like, the importance of funding, our approach to funding in Ottawa and how you could benefit from working with the Canadian Christian Foundation in your efforts.
This session will be interactive as Mark invites others present to share their best practices in their context. Together we will grow in our understanding of how to walk with the Lord in seeing full provision for the work He has called us to in our cities.
Outreach Track
Kevin Palau
The Portland Story: Reflections After 10 Years
Kevin Palau will share about the relationships that the Church in Portland, Oregon has developed with civic leaders, including the Mayor, and the fruit that has resulted from these relationships. Portland is a very secular city, much like many Canadian cities, and the lessons learned will generally be transferable to our own experience. The persistent collaborative effort in Portland is now yielding much sustainable blessing for the surrounding community.
Ryan Moffat
Alpha: A Proven City-Wide Evangelism Approach
Ryan Moffat has supported the Church in Ottawa, London and the Greater Toronto Area during several city-wide Alpha campaigns that have seen thousands of people hearing the gospel and many coming to know Jesus. As the Regional Director for Alpha in Ontario, he works closely with churches across the province – predominantly in urban centres, helping senior leaders to reach their communities through Alpha. God has placed a unique love for the “city” on Ryan’s heart. Churches from all denominations and traditions are looking again to link arms in 2019 and Ryan and his team are excited to see what God will do in cities across the province this Fall.
Trevor Seath
Multiply: Identifying and Equipping Church Planters to Bless the City
Can churches really contribute in the city? And do we really need more churches? Learn about how God is working to bless the city by uniting His Church in a vision for making disciples and equipping leaders to plant reproducing churches. We’ll talk about why unity for church planting must be gospel-centred, Spirit-led, and mission-focused. Multiply (formerly C2C Network) has been partnering with the city-wide effort in Ottawa for the last 5 years running church planter’s training and coaching cadres on a monthly basis.
Aaron & Eileen Lawler
Mobilize Ottawa
Mobilize Ottawa is designed to work alongside the local church to help mobilize local and International ministry. Each of us has a story, each of us have a call to share the love God has with those around us. Mobilize Ottawa aims to help train and mobilize evangelism within the city alongside the local churches of the city. If you have a heart for missions, come and dream about what we could do collaboratively in the years ahead.
Wayne Mosley
Kathy Blakely
The Big Give: A National Movement of Generosity
The Big Give, a national movement of generosity is a not-for-profit Christian outreach ministry offering support and resources to assist the local church in building a bridge to their community by showing God’s unconditional love in a tangible way. On the first Saturday of June each year, churches of all denominations under the umbrella of The Big Give host a local customized community event where everything is offered free to those who need it most and ask nothing in return. It first began in 2009 here in Ottawa.
Justice & Mercy Track
Natalie Appleyard
Service & Justice Go Hand in Hand
Direct service provides us an opportunity to form relationships with our neighbours, helping us better know, love, and serve them. It can also make us aware of deeper issues behind the needs we are addressing that our loving service, while valuable, cannot fix. “Advocacy” can be a daunting term and is sometimes confused with partisan politics, but in this workshop, we will explore how service and advocacy go hand-in-hand in loving and walking with our neighbours. Drawing from real historic and contemporary examples, we will explore how God’s call for love and justice can be lived out through both service and advocacy. Panelists will include Darlene O’Leary, Citizens for Public Justice; Rev. Monique Stone, Julian of Norwich Anglican Church; and Rebekah Sears, Mennonite Central Committee Ottawa.
Chelsea Oleniuk
MoveIn: Prayer, Presence, and the Urban Poor
MoveIn is about copying Jesus’ example by literally moving in to the neighbourhood. Something amazing happens when a group of Christians intentionally moves into a neighbourhood to pray and be. In doing so, they have chosen to become part of the neighbourhood. Rather than visiting or serving and then going away, they share in their neighbourhood’s joys, and in its troubles; they are there as salt and light. These Christians can act as the hands and feet of Christ – with a cup of cold water in one hand and the good news in the other. Starting with one “patch” in Toronto, there are now MoveIn teams in 48 cities around the world.
Hildy Sloots
Connect Care Ottawa: a city-wide vision to see churches embrace children and families in crisis.
Connect Care Ottawa desires to see that every child in the welfare system has a family and every family has a church. In this workshop we will discuss how to connect churches to meaningful relationships within their community, equip them to establish a culture of care, and mobilize them to take effective action so that all the requests of hurting children and families will be embraced by a church. We will learn about Care Portal, a revolutionary online development that makes local churches aware of the needs in their neighbourhood in real time by partnering the church with social services. God’s heart is for the orphan, fatherless and vulnerable. Let’s follow his heart together!
Rev. Joseph Kiirya
theCode: Tackling the challenge of the fatherless.
The Leadership Team of theCODE, led by Pastor Joseph Kiirya, will be presenting the vision, mission and GOAL of the city-wide Mentoring Ministry involving godly men, single Moms, Fatherless Boys and the Community at large. This new effort has finished their pilot program and is now developing a second cadre for mentors and mentees. A great “work in progress” with the Architect being the ONE who declared to us…”Take care of the Fatherless!”
Jasmine Duckworth
Inner-City Missions and the Local Church
These are the people who know about life on the streets of our city. Come and hear first-hand from the directors of some of our most significant inner-city ministries as they talk about the current state of things and their vision for a better future. This is your chance to ask questions and learn more about how you and your ministry can partner with them to see transformation at the core of Ottawa.
Demographics Track
Rev. Joseph Kiirya
Newcomers: The new Mission Field and the new Harvest Workers
New comers to Canada provide the church an opportunity for evangelism, church revitalization and church growth. In this session, you will meet a cross section of International Pastors who will tell you about the opportunities, challenges and firsthand accounts of what God is doing in the immigrant community.
Gerry Organ
Vibrancy in Mens’ Ministry – AMAZING!
What does it take to bring the gospel to the MEN of our CITY? Then, what does it take to launch them into a LIFE inspired and infused by their LOVE FOR JESUS? Gerry Organ will engage faithful Leaders of men’s ministries in Ottawa who are vibrant and incredibly passionate in the great task of motivating men to engage in KINGDOM WORK. One of Ottawa’s hidden stories is how their has been a multiplication of high quality ministries to men. Meet the leaders who are seeing the Lord touch hundreds of men in our community.
Dr. Timothy Li-Hui Tang
Dr. Timothy Tang was born in Toronto where he now lives with his wife Joanne, who is a high school teacher. They have two sons and a daughter. Pastor Timothy has been the English pastor at the East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church where he has been ministering since 2001. Though Timothy planned a career in healthcare, God called him to full-time ministry, after which he finished his M.Div. in Youth and Family Ministry at Tyndale Seminary. Since that time, Timothy has been involved with John424, a worship ministry; the Tribe of Issachar, a leadership training ministry; and completed a 2-year program called Arrow Leadership. Timothy has also recently completed a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership at Gordon-Conwell Seminary.
Developing Intercultural Leadership
Developing leaders who are capable in today’s changing climate, means responding to the ever-growing complexity of multicultural and multiethnic communities. Especially – but not exclusively – in our Canadian urban centers, migration and immigration has changed our neighbourhoods into dynamic organisms that require cultural sensitivity and intercultural competency. Training Canadian leaders necessitates both diaspora and local participation being equipped side by side in order for real collaborative efforts to bear fruit in God’s Kingdom.
Pastor Luke Haggett
Ottawa’s Next Generation Leaders of Today
We often see people do amazing things and think, “I could never do that” or “they have a gifting I just don’t have”. Please don’t ever let this stop you from going after an idea God has placed on your heart. Rather, Come, be inspired by what God is doing in Ottawa through young adults, who stepped out in faith, said yes to God, had a bold vision and ran it. Several young leaders will share briefly about what God inspired them to do and how he is using them. You will be encouraged, yes, but hopefully you will also leave challenged to either inspire other young people to chase the vision God is given them, or be that next young leader taking action on the idea God has given you.
Rick Hiemstra
Renegotiating Faith
Many students disengaged from faith and church during important transitions in life. There are few more important transitions for a young person than moving from high school to life after high school. Unfortunately, much of our ministry to youth tends to end when their time in high school ends. In this session we will look at what new Canadian research tells us about this transition period and what is playing the most significant roles in terms of our students’ faith formation. See for more information about the research.
City-Reaching Track
Roger Sutton
Stephen Sutton
City Stories: What’s happening in 130 cities in the UK and around the world.
The global city gospel movement is having a huge impact around the world. Come and hear some powerful stories of how churches working together are transforming their cities in the UK and beyond. You will learn about the dynamics that are enabling significant impact in an environment that is firmly post-Christendom. Churches are learning to thrive, rather than just survive in this challenging new atmosphere.
Ken Roth
City Stories: Love Ottawa – Multiplying Teams for Maximum Engagement
We will be sharing some of the history and dynamics that have enabled Love Ottawa to be a catalyst for multiplying inter-church teams that are reaching our city together. We will be discussing how prayer, team building, consistency, servant leadership, developing leadership health, fostering loving relationships, marketplace leader involvement, apostolic seeding and pivotal events have been instrumental in bringing this about. In this workshop you will have opportunity to ask questions of some key leaders in this movement, including Richard Long and other members of the Love Ottawa team.
Glenn Smith
Mission Opportunity: Towards an authentic missional encounter. From impossibility to contextual possibility.
“The comprehensiveness of the mission of the Church in the city requires the proclamation of the gospel, the planting and nurture of congregations, and the application of the principles of Christ’s lordship to all areas of community life. It means concern for all that is city, even for the cosmos above and beneath the city, from the quality of the air people breathe to the purity of the water in the river and canals.”
Tom White
Building a Sustainable Citywide Movement for Maximum Kingdom Impact: Core Components
Tom White literally wrote the book on city-reaching, titled “The Practitioner’s Guide: Building City Gospel Movements”. He will be sharing the latest insights from his global travels to city-wide movements all over the world, including the local effort in his area of Corvallis, Oregon. Come and get the download!